Natasha Bamford | The newborn portfolio
There is just something so magic about newborns. The wait is over, they are finally here and you want to soak in every second of this moment with your family. Those early days can be a blur and you will forget all the little details that will mean so much more in years to come. This i promise! The flakey feet, the paper thin fingernails, the milk spots on the nose and the pouty lips. Not to mention the back rolls and peach fuzz cheeks. I could go on but, during newborn photoshoots, i capture it all to lock in those memories so you have them forever.
If you are currently expecting a baby and thinking about booking a newborn photography session, get in touch today and i can talk you through everything. In the meantime, have a little browse through the portfolio to see more of what i offer here at Natasha Bamford photography.
Newborn portfolio | Northern Ireland newborn photographer